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GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read.

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GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read. Empty GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read.

Post  GDM Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:24 am

Gallery Information/guidelines.

Hello, as many of the people from the first forum know there was a "Photo Album" section.

We did post our SI or ED related personal photos on there if we so wanted, and viewed each others if we wanted to aswell...

I did not entirely want to have one on SIF2 as I thought it could bring triggers... I'm sorry...

Erm... so I thought guidelines? but I can not think of any...

Obvious ones such as no nudity, pornography...

Please put a "*TRIGGER WARNING*" if there would be a triggering photo aka anything SI or ED related.

I'll try to think of what to say here I'm really sorry... I'd love the albums to have some "recovery" and insire pics or something... I dunno... Sad erm... ok will update here later...

cohi Owen

Found this on the old rules section: *look below* It will do for awhile whiles we make some form of guidelines/rules Sad

Rules regarding pictures

Absolutely No pictures of gore, blood, guts, suicide, porn, unsuitable nudity, or violence are allowed in threads on the forum at any time.

Pictures of self injury with cuts, blood etc... associated with them are allowed in the members photo section only, not in threads on the forum.

Please put some kind of warning on the album that it contains graphic pictures if self injury.

If your picture is larger than 600 pixels by 600 pixels it will be removed.
If you do not understand this find a friend who can help you understand and re-size your pictures if necessary.
If your picture shows up here larger than the maximum size allowed the administration may remove it without any notice to you.

Undead Rogue/Owner
Undead Rogue/Owner

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Age : 34
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GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read. Empty Re: GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read.

Post  SoulKnife Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:22 am

OwenG.D.M. wrote:Gallery Information/guidelines.

Rules regarding pictures

Absolutely No pictures of gore, blood, guts, suicide, porn, unsuitable nudity, or violence are allowed in threads on the forum at any time.

I think it's really funny that it says 'unsuitable nudity' What does that even mean?!? lol My cat never wears pants. Is that bad? (I'm joking haha)

I put up a bunch of pictures of my cat :) It says they have to be approved before they show though.

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GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read. Empty Re: GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read.

Post  GDM Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:25 am

SoulKnife wrote:
OwenG.D.M. wrote:Gallery Information/guidelines.

Rules regarding pictures

Absolutely No pictures of gore, blood, guts, suicide, porn, unsuitable nudity, or violence are allowed in threads on the forum at any time.

I think it's really funny that it says 'unsuitable nudity' What does that even mean?!? lol My cat never wears pants. Is that bad? (I'm joking haha)

I put up a bunch of pictures of my cat Smile It says they have to be approved before they show though.

It didn't notify me but I went on and click moderate and it shows your stuff so i said approve and stuff and now they are there.... cool! except i gotta check for "approval waiting" every so often now lol as it doesn't tell me! hahaha damn... might need to fix that lol

also unsuitable ermmmm :S was old rules off SIF1 I think it was more or less no male or female X-rated bodyparts lol.... stomatch and stuff = ok ect :S lol
Undead Rogue/Owner
Undead Rogue/Owner

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GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read. Empty Re: GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read.

Post  Jennacide Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:52 am

Hello, I was a member of SIF1 many years ago, well not that many, but anyway.... I apologise if anyone feels this is an inappropriate question, but would you know where I could find the old pictures from SIF1? I was quite hoping to browse them again if possible, but I have lost those when my computer died (some of them were actually mine, some of them weren't of course but I hope no one thinks it strange or wrong I would want to see them again) Anyway, I apologise for the intrusion of sorts and if anyone would know where I could find them, I would be very grateful.

Kind regards



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Join date : 2012-10-02

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GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read. Empty Re: GALLERY/Photo album Information/guidelines Please read.

Post  GDM Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:56 am

Jennacide wrote:Hello, I was a member of SIF1 many years ago, well not that many, but anyway.... I apologise if anyone feels this is an inappropriate question, but would you know where I could find the old pictures from SIF1? I was quite hoping to browse them again if possible, but I have lost those when my computer died (some of them were actually mine, some of them weren't of course but I hope no one thinks it strange or wrong I would want to see them again) Anyway, I apologise for the intrusion of sorts and if anyone would know where I could find them, I would be very grateful.

Kind regards


Hey, I'm sorry I have no idea how anyone can retrieve their old photos from sif1 Sad we had to make this site from scratch before the first closed and try to get people onto the new one sif2 but back then we didn't even have the photo albums and stuff set up just the really basics whiles we all moved...

I'm sorry Crying or Very sad hugg Crying or Very sad
Undead Rogue/Owner
Undead Rogue/Owner

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Join date : 2011-08-25
Age : 34
Location : Undercity, Trisfal Glades

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