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My 'educational requirements' journal (in relation to my being healthy posts)

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My 'educational requirements' journal (in relation to my being healthy posts) Empty My 'educational requirements' journal (in relation to my being healthy posts)

Post  GDM Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:56 pm

This is the Education section of my three requirements I'm doing, in ED section you'll find my 'Dietary requirements' and 'Activity requirements' post.

This is my Educational requirements plan:

At work (Mon - Friday) listen to the audio books of the text books I get from my University for my eye issue. So that daily I get a good few hours of textbook read out to me and playing in my head a bunch.

Make exam notes for my next exam and memorise them.

Attend all classes available for my courses.

That's all for now. As for now I have just 60 credits in Level Two (120 credits in Level 1, 2 and 3's needed for a Ba Hons Degree) left to complete before level three.

I've completed:

Level One: Science, Social science
Level Two: Counselling, Death and Dying, The sciene of the mind: inc. Dementia, Addictions and Mental health.

Currently doing: Level Two Criminology course...

Plan on Sept 2015+ to do both 60 credit Level Three: 'Law and Justice' and 'Age, aging, adulthood' to finish off my degree entirely...

So I just want this here to keep in track of my educational requirements... and the ED section for my health and body requirements...

hihello ooo thx for reading cohi pandalol
Undead Rogue/Owner
Undead Rogue/Owner

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Post  GDM Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:58 pm

I attended an available in-person class in my courses today and it went really well... as I'm selectively mute and usually hide at the back and don't get involved, but I sat at the front today and even typed some examples down of whatever the teacher asked and shown him my tablet I typed onto etc...

Went well and he seemed happy I got involved a bit, and was generally nice for me anyhow...

study 116 study 116 study 116 study 116

I also used the audio book in work yesterday and Thursday... so keeping on top of this thus far...

I have an assignment due Wednesday by noon, so I'll plan it tomorrow and write it out Monday/Tuesday (at work audio books still too) and then hopefully all referenced up and sent by Wednesday before noon, which is do-able in a sense... but maybe a tiny bit stressful...

Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:59 am

Yesterday I visited my in-laws because it was 'Father's Day' so I ended up with no time to do the plan for essay... but I'm going to do that now and start to write it today (hopefully)...

I listened to the Audio Books during work, so there's about 3 hours of Audio Text Books I've heard and listened to, which is a good help, as I've done it recently and now I know what will be said in the next sections etc so that much familiarity is very good!

study 116 study 116 study 116 study 116 study 116 study 116

Time to get to work! cohi I will update later today with what I did... scratch hopefully I did a lot lol!
Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:18 pm

Well I planned it Neutral but that's about it... so I may try to do a bit now before bed... got really badly side tracked with things...

Embarassed study cohi


Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:58 pm

Owen wrote:Well I planned it Neutral but that's about it... so I may try to do a bit now before bed... got really badly side tracked with things...

Embarassed study cohi


500 out of 1600 words in so 1/3rd done... not too shabby! Especially with my meds being taken and I slowly shut down and try to fall asleep on those lol

So nicely now into bed for UK 8 PM and can rest and work later and then get home and finish and things...

sleeps cohi I also had only 1 energy drink can of 250 ML sugar free today alien study

And I had no sugar foods! cheers tongue ooo YAY ME! pandalol
Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:52 pm

I have written it and now my hands hurt... but! I need to reference so I'll do that after bath maybe... or in the morning after work... as I have until noon Wednesday so should be ok enough and just scraping it to be on time..

sleeps study Sleep cat can't wait for bed...

116 116 116 116 116 116

I need a bath but a bit too tired for one in my own opinion... need to wake a tiny bit first then bath might be alright... meds then I can have my medicines and get ready for bed or site IM's etc... pandalol have a dancing lol-panda
Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:14 pm

I finished and sent off my assignment but it took 3 donuts and a chocolate to do so... Evil or Very Mad so not good I ate lots of sugar Mad

But... still good I actually got assignment done and sent off...

study So now I have to hit the books more often and get into not eating sugar! cat

king I can... possibly do that... 88 116

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Post  GDM Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:39 pm

I did studying today for exam prep and revision organising... ooo 116

So it's good news as I'm actually doing my studying now and like... enjoying it... I'm wanting to do it and not other stuff instead... when usually I'd want to do anything BUT study lol

study so that's good... cat

Like a Star @ heaven I'm going to bed shortly so good night everyone sleeps cat Sleep
Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:40 pm

Ok, I have not actually wrote here in nearly a month... I have been busy with studies though!

I've done assignment 5, the mock exam under exam conditions... I also found out I passed the 'Death and Dying' course which is good too...

Degree is coming together finally...

I have to do my final assignment prior to Japan to visit partner, so I plan on at least reading the general workload it wants me to review during this week... should be useful...

and I have a class in a couple weeks I can take too which will be useful with how to actually do the assignment...

Other than that generally listening to the last text book will be useful and making notes for exam too etc...

study so I'm not doing terribly... just have to keep at it 116
Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:22 pm

I'm in Japan right now with jet lag... so thought I'd type that I got my mock exam back and it was scored 74% ... pretty damn high for me!

Now I'm planning last assignment before the actual exam... study eeep... 116
Undead Rogue/Owner
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Post  GDM Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:27 pm

I wrote the last assignment in Japan and put it in... hoping to pass... now it's just study for the exams that I'm doing revising for that...

116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

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Post  GDM Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:17 pm

I passed the exam in that module, and finished second year's worth of stuff, only took 4 years! No ... ugh... Embarassed I suck at education...

Anyway, moving along! I'm writing my first assignment in third year level stuff, and it's hard.... it's taken very long to get it started fully but I'm trying to be confident as I have another assignment after this and eep... bbb I'm a bit tired... Shocked and would like a good strong drink... What a Face

Which might be this weekend! Yay! drunken I'll drink so much... well not really... I can't really drink much lol but I'll drink anyway and have fun after lectures and stuff I have in morning of Saturday...

scratch not sure where I'm going with this... I think I'm having a mini break from the assignment... to be fair I am only needing another hundred words to finish it and then just need to edit and refine it so it is more legible as right now it is in draft mode in my head so a bit clunky....

cohi so have a good day everyone, as I need to get back to this I guess... study ugh... at least I get to drink in a few days... lol!
Undead Rogue/Owner
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