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Welcome to SI Friends (2), a support group of friends that are as close as family, (SI Friends No.2 has been available since 2011)
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What happened to the forum?

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What happened to the forum? Empty What happened to the forum?

Post  Tojeem Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:38 am

So, uhh, what happened to the forum?

There's been only a handful of posts in the last 4 or 5 months, and mostly in the journals section. The whole forum seems to have hit a lull.

It's been a while since I was on facebook... is the group there still active?

I just feel kind of sorry for Owen who is paying for the domain name and none of us are using it. I'd love to see the forum active again (not that I'd love to see people self-harming again, obviously).

I miss sif2 No

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What happened to the forum? Empty Re: What happened to the forum?

Post  sadcarol Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:24 pm

I've noticed that it is not near as active as it used to be. I miss it too. A lot of people are on the Facebook SIF2 though.


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What happened to the forum? Empty Re: What happened to the forum?

Post  GDM Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:14 pm

Sorry I've not been on it much either... after paying it went and said the page doesn't work then I forgot to try again at a later date... been really hectic over here and stuff IRL bbb 

I may try and use it a bit more often again... not sure what to use it for now... I've just started a therapy called C.A.T and got a third job (only a paper round but it's a bit of money)

Undead Rogue/Owner
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What happened to the forum? Empty Re: What happened to the forum?

Post  GDM Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:39 pm

Just want to vent the words "gah damn the damn profile picture sizing?!??!!!" lol
Undead Rogue/Owner
Undead Rogue/Owner

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What happened to the forum? Empty Re: What happened to the forum?

Post  LadyWinter Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:56 am

Yeah, I was really excited when I found this place b/c I really do miss the "Friends" websites! But doesn't seem like there's many people on here now.

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