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Changing Email Address In My Profile

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Changing Email Address In My Profile Empty Changing Email Address In My Profile

Post  Unrepentant Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:41 pm

I'm a bit confused about how to change my email address.

The instructions say:

You must confirm your current password if you wish to change it or alter your e-mail address

But where do I confirm my current password? I wrote my password in the Current Password field but the email address was still not editable.

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Changing Email Address In My Profile Empty Re: Changing Email Address In My Profile

Post  GDM Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:43 pm

Hummmmm...... Not sure why it does that.... but I think I can change your email from the Admin thingy so just PM me your email and new email you want and I can facebook you once I've done it and stuff if you want?

hugg I'll check back later incase you PM and stuff hugg

cohi Owen
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