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Welcome to SI Friends (2), a support group of friends that are as close as family, (SI Friends No.2 has been available since 2011)
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Apologises.... Empty Apologises....

Post  GDM Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:20 am

To everyone... i am sorry I have been abit away from here.... I promise from now on... drunk... or sober.... I will be here more and try to help...

I love you all too much and I just don't care what happens to me as long as everyone else is ok...

seriously.... I know I'm drunk as always but I'm working on cutting down drink but erm yeah... I just kindof want to come on here more and help anyone who needs it... sorry if I'm a blatant idiot... I always am anyway... but erm yes..

I'm sorry I was offline alot... I will be online more for anyone who needs...

Love from Owen cohi Park... I I love you mathew I love you SI Friends
Undead Rogue/Owner
Undead Rogue/Owner

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Age : 34
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Apologises.... Empty Re: Apologises....

Post  Revenant Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:44 pm

Owen, you don't owe anyone an apology for having a life,or for being away for awhile. We've all done it. Everyone needs space, man. And you do plenty around here.

If I can help, let me know. Just tell me what needs doing, and I'll handle it, yeah?

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Apologises.... Empty Re: Apologises....

Post  analaine Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:39 am

Hey GDM. No need to apologize. You do so much around here, and we- I - am so thankful for everything you've done. Like Trog said, everyone has times when they aren't on as much, and you have every right to have your own life You're doing amazing, even if you can't see that.


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Apologises.... Empty Re: Apologises....

Post  SoulKnife Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:14 am

Hey there Owen :) No worries, I am really proud and thankful to be here thanks to you and it's okay to chill away from here for a while. I think if anything, you deserve a vacation for all your hard work! :)

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Age : 29
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